Saturday, December 9, 2017

The Daily Article or Book Review from SunEd High School Dec 8, 2017: how to build trust in your workplace

There is a place in the culture of Suned high school where short stories are sent to parents and students with links to promote a culture of reading.

We invite parents and students to suggest topics and poems and books and articles.

The main idea is to press, press, press the idea of reading something significant every day, to challenge each of us to cause growth in our brains.

That is the core message of Tai Lopez. Get tough. Stay strong. Look at a new book or major article or at least a book review every day

... and the daily book segment email is available to graduates of Suned, too This is part of our commitment to students. We show you hown to continue to learn. Lifelong Learning. "Would you like to grow your brain? Join our Brain Growth Newsletter"

Today's story comes from Simon Sinek
"Why trust is important..."
SINEK: I heard a story of some Marines. As is the Marine custom, the officer ate last, and he let his men eat first. And when they were done, there was no food left for him. And when they went back out in the field, his men brought him some of their food so that he may eat because that's what happens.
We call them leaders because they go first. We call them leaders because they take the risk before anybody else does. And when we ask them, why would you do that? Why would you give your blood and sweat and tears for that person? They all say the same thing - because they would've done it for me. And isn't that the organization we would all like to work in?


There is a place in the culture of Suned high school where short stories are sent to parents and students with links to promote a culture of reading.

We can invite parents and students to suggest topics and poems and books and articles.

But the main idea is to press, press, press the idea of reading something significant every day, to challenge each of us to cause growth in our brains.

That is the core message of Tai Lopez. Get tough. Stay strong. Look at a new book or major article or at least a book review every day

... and the daily book segment email would be available to graduates of Suned, too it would be a marketing angle. "Would you like to grow your brain? Join our Brain Growth Newsletter"

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